Jacobus Family Shoot

They say that the friendships built at college/university are the friendships that last forever. Today I will let you into my personal life a little and showcase my private family photos taken by Render Jockey Studios. The owner is a long time friend and has been there for me through thick and thin.


Everyone dreams of a newborn shoot but to a new mom and dad, recovering from a tough delivery and the struggles that come with having a newborn, it’s sometimes remains just a dream. We took our photos at her 4 month mark and they turned out beautifully.

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Do you have a friend that’s true and steadfast? Why not mention them in the comments section and direct them to read your special message right here on Painting In Pink.

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Our little family song is Love Is All We Got by Feed Me & Crystal Fighters

Of course I styled our shoot and I’m wearing a dress from YDE, Mila is wearing her Birthday Suit in the last photos lol but previously she wears a dress, tights and top by Earth Child, Cam wears a shirt by Diesel, Pants by his favourite designer, Craig Port and Lacoste canvas shoes.

Hope you enjoyed this post and book Render Jockey Studios for your next shoot!

Vicki Tertiens Photography

Welcome to another addition of Photo Friday! Today’s post doubles as an epic Flash-Back-Friday as I feature the wonderful woman who captured our family before Mila made her grand entrance into our lives.

My husband asked me twice if I wanted to do a maternity shoot and I said no twice before deciding last minute that I indeed wanted one. No back and forth was needed as I knew that I wanted to use non-other than Vicki Tertiens Photography. I’ve known Vicki for years, we actually attended High School together and thank goodness we still kept contact because she was my go-to-girl when it came to me wanting something outdoors, soft, loving and well, awesome! I had seen her the work she did with Sue Levy and I loved the look of it. You might know Sue Levy from the inspirational and motivational blog, Just Persue It.

We shot our shoot at a forest near camps bay and on the beach afterward. It was a two hour shoot where we captured the magic of the outdoors and the beauty of golden hour lighting.

Baby Bump (25)
Baby Bump (23) Baby Bump (20) Baby Bump (22)
Baby Bump (19) Baby Bump (18) Baby Bump (16)

Serious Questions:
1. How long have you been a photographer?
Since 2010

2. Did you always want to be a photographer?
No, when I finished school, I didn’t know what I wanted to study, so I took a gap year. I worked as a receptionist at a well known gym close to home and later moved to the sales department. Though I learnt a lot and did well as both receptionist and in sales, I knew that I didn’t want to be stuck in an office all day, everyday, doing the same thing. I’ve always had a bit of a creative streak, so during my gap year I thought a lot about what I’d want to do for the rest of my life..
Photography was always a hobby of my dad’s, and that’s where I got exposed to the camera. He bought me a camera for Christmas the year I finished school and I guess the rest is history!

3. What is your primary style?
Im a natural light photographer. (I shoot on location in the outdoors with the sun as my main light source, not in a studio)

4. Do you prefer a specific type of shoot? Wedding, Engagement, Newborn, etc.
I love love… so any shoot that allows me to capture that, that’s what I enjoy the most!

5. What kind of equipment do you use?
I am a proud Nikon user

6. What has been your favourite location you’ve shot at?
I have this one spot that I just love shooting at (which is where we did your shoot) it’s called “The Glen” forest and another is definitely Bo-Kapp.

7. Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?
It would have to be a wedding that I did of the most beautiful couple… not only was the wedding beautiful looking, but I sobbed the whole day long… (it’s the love thing… gets me everytime!)

8. What do you think distinguishes your work from that of other photographers?
You know, I couldn’t really say, besides what I’ve heard from almost all my clients is that they feel so comfortable working with me… lost of my clients would be really nervous before the shoot, but a quick chat and a laugh here and there and its like they were born to be in front of the camera. So not necessarily my work but how I make my clients feel, because I must say, there are some BRILLIANT photographers out here in Cape Town, and that’s fantastic!

9. Whose work has influenced you most?
I admire a lot of photographers, but I believe your own individual style is what makes you, you! However having said that, my ultimate favourite photographer is a South African wedding photographer, based in Somerset West, Abri Kruger… This guy is a magician!

10. What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?
How to shoot on ‘manual’ because I started out on ‘auto’ and the difference is HUGE!

Baby Bump (15) Baby Bump (13)
Baby Bump (12) Baby Bump (11)
Baby Bump (8) Baby Bump (7) Baby Bump (5)
Baby Bump (4) Baby Bump (2)

Fun Questions:
1. Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
My daddy… the ultimate survivor! (For real… he is like Inspector Gadget , I know I’ll make it out alive with him there.)

2. If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?
Travel, travel and more travel!

3. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Give people make-overs and take “before and after” photographs (the “after” would be a proper photoshoot… this is my dream job.)

4. Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?
Oh my goodness… I’m not exaggerating when I say; ALL AROUND THE WORLD!

5. What is your favorite memory?
That would have to be the day I met Abri Kruger! His wife did one of my best friend’s weddings and he was doing a wedding at the farm next door. That morning I had told Mrs Kruger that I had the biggest photographic crush on her husband and that I am probably his biggest fan, she laughed so much at what I was saying, so later the evening while we were on the dance floor at my friend’s wedding, I looked over to where Mrs Kruger was standing and saw a guy standing next to her. Because of the lighting setting, they looked half silhouetted against the night skys, she whispered something to him and pointed at me, and that’s when I realised it was him! I literally ran up to him and jumped into his arms to hug him lol!!! I just rambled on and on about how much I love his work and that I’m a total fan, he laughed at my crazy reaction to seeing him and asked, “are you married yet?” I responded “no”, and he says… “okay, you let me know what that happened and we’ll make a plan!” – I died!

6. What is your biggest success up until now?
My biggest success would have to be my business 

7. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
The 60’s… I just absolutely love the music and the style in that time!

8. If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your alias?
You can call me Tris (from the movie Divergent)

I loved her answers, I feel that I now know way more than I did before and I hope you do too. Vicki is an amazing photographer with tons of experience. I remember feeling at ease and hearing her capture every single second of the day with my husband and I. She also met Mila after she was born which was very special to me. Be sure to check out her Facebook fan-page here and why not book a shoot!

Mila’s Moment

My gorgeous daughter was a complete natural in front of the camera. Teething is a bit of a mission for the little ones to endure but Mila was content chewing on her beads and fingers throughout the shoot.

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First and foremost I have to gush about how perfectly organised the shoot was, so a HUGE thanks goes out to Baby BomBoms for everything they did.
Secondly, I’m extremely impressed with the patience, energy and understanding Melanie, her husband (who Mila was completely infatuated by) and the photographer brought to the shoot.

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Mila (our tiny human), has a tendency of entertaining herself, so when we tried to get laughing reactions out of her, she’d just stare at us as to say “what’s wrong with you” but eventually she got the picture and gave such amazing poses with eyes focused on the camera and mouth wide open.

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She had 4 wardrobe changes (I know right, talk about fancy-shmancy) and she rocked each and every one. Of course I’d say that she was perfect, she’s my daughter LOL! Check the images shot by Lise-Marié Photography and dare to disagree.

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This is just the beginning for her, she’s comfortable in front-of the camera and with others not to forget that didn’t moan or groan one bit during the shoot. To be honest, there’s very little that upsets her or causes her to tear up. I think goes without saying that I’m extremely proud of my little 7 month old.

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*Cheers* To Great Things!